Arduino Due as a RPI/Libre Computer/... Terminal Server ======================================================= 1. Design Goal: Provide a terminal server for Raspberry Pi, Libre Computer, and other single board computers with 3.3V serial ports, using readily available off-the-shelf components, without requiring customization, soldering, firmware replacement. 2. Target audience: beginners rigging their own headless RPI setup. 3. Parts list: - one RPI running a recent Raspbian version, - micro-USB cable, - male-to-female jumper cables, - one Arduino Due ( - up to 3 Libre Computer Project boards, and/or up to 12 RPIs. 4. Connect the RPI to the Due's programming port, i.e. the USB port right next to the barrel power connector. Do not use the native port, further away from the barrel connector, right next to the reset button. 5. On the RPI controlling the Arduino Due, install the Arduino IDE (apt install -y arduino). 6. Invoke the Arduino (either, in a shell, run "arduino", or drop down the application menu, Programming->Arduino IDE). 7. Add Due support through board manager (Tools->Boards->Boards Manager, look for "Arduino SAM Boards (32 bits ARM Cortex M3)"; do not install "Arduino SAMD (32 bits ARM Cortex M0+)"). 8. Tell the IDE which port the Due is using (Tools->Port->/dev/ttyACM0). 9. Extract the termserv.tgz archive into your $HOME/Arduino. This creates pi@pi4b02:~/Arduino/termserv$ pwd /home/pi/Arduino/termserv pi@pi4b02:~/Arduino/termserv$ ls -ls total 100 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 3290 Dec 6 11:38 fifo.h 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 12259 Jan 7 08:28 makefile 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 2108 Dec 7 14:24 soft_uart.cpp 64 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 65120 Dec 6 11:43 soft_uart.h 12 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 9883 Feb 7 12:42 termserv.ino 4 -rw-r--r-- 1 pi pi 3087 Feb 7 15:06 termserv.txt pi@pi4b02:~/Arduino/termserv$ 10. Open the sketch using File->Open->termserv.ino (might have to navigate to the $HOME/Arduino/termserv first). Compile and upload the sketch to the Due (Sketch->Upload). 11. Alternatively, open a terminal window, go to $HOME/Arduino/termserv, use the included makefile to compile and upload the sketch. The targets provide by the makefile are: - clean : removes objects, libraries, hex and bin files, - termserv.bin : compile and link the sketch, then convert for upload, - flash : compile, link, convert and upload the sketch. Invoke make with one of these targets, like: make clean make flash 12. To talk to the terminal server, pick any terminal program, connect to the same port used to upload the executable (in our case, /dev/ttyACM0), at 115.200bps, 8N1. The code initially talks to Serial1. Switch to other serial ports using Ctrl-@ (Ctrl-2), then a digit (1-9) or character (a-c) for other ports. The hardware ports (1-3) are configured to run at 115kbps, the software ports at 9.6kbps. Hardware serial ports are found on the single-row connection, labeled as RX1, TX1 through RX3, TX3. Software serial ports are found on the dual-row header at the board's narrow end. Receive pins are even numbered, facing away from the edge, transmit pins are odd-numbered, right next to the edge. The first software serial port uses pin 22 to receive, 23 to send. Make sure to also wire up ground (GND). 13. This document and archive are available here: